Welcome to Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Welcome to the official website of the Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC, 加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營), often referred to as Ga Tung (GT, 加東)! It was founded in 1977 and is an annual event during the Labour Day Weekend for Chinese Catholic youth between the ages of 17-35. As a Catholic community, participants share the opportunity to deepen their love for God and to learn more about the Catholic faith during the camp.
歡迎來到加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營(Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp/ECCCLC)—簡稱加東—的官方網站 ! 加東成立於一九七七年,是每年在勞工節長週末舉行,為17至35歲的華人天主教青年而設的靈修活動。作為一個天主教團體,參與者有機會在此生活營中加深對天主的愛,並進一步了解天主教信仰。