Spreading the ECCCLC Spirit 延伸加東精神
Western Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp : WCCCLC
加拿大西岸天主教華人生活營 (以下簡稱「加西」)
The spirit of ECCCLC spread to the West Coast when Odilia Lee and Gus Yam, both ex-ECCCLC campers, started brainstorming the idea of WCCCLC (Western Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp) one day at the food court of Metrotown Shopping Centre in Vancouver. The first WCCCLC was held in 1997, when ECCCLC was celebrating its 21st anniversary. The first WCCCLC was mainly organized by a group of young adults from a cell group in Vancouver. Among the 1st WCCCLC participants, a few of them participated in previous ECCCLCs: Martina Lee, Bobby Siu, Oswald Au, Schola Au, Fr. Joseph Fan Kam Tong and Fr. Paul Pang.
加東的精神透過兩位加東的營友Odilia Lee 和 Gus Yam延伸到西岸。某一天,他們在溫哥華的Metrotown購物中心美食廣場時,萌生起加拿大西岸天主教華人生活營(Western Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp/WCCCLC/加西)的想法。於一九九七年,首屆加西生活營正式舉辦,同年是加東生活營的第21週年。這第一屆的加西主要由溫哥華一個細胞小組的青年籌備。在第一屆加西的參與者中,有幾位也曾參與過加東:Martina Lee、Bobby Siu、Oswald Au、Schola Au、范錦棠神父和彭保祿神父。
California Chinese Catholic Living Camp : CACCLC 加州華人天主教生活營
The spirit continued to grow. The first CACCLC (California Chinese Catholic Living Camp) was held in the summer of 1998. Fr. Denis Kong (Kong Chi Chiu), who was the speaker of 1st WCCCLC, initiated the camp after 1997 WCCCLC. One of the organizers was Philip Ho, who was a lifelong friend of Gabriel Chow, an ex-ECCCLC camper.
加東精神繼續延伸。第一屆加州華人天主教生活營(California Chinese Catholic Living Camp/CACCLC)於一九九八年夏天舉行。由首屆加西的講者江志釗神父在加西完結後發起,其中一位籌委會成員是 Philip Ho,他是Gabriel Chow的多年好友,也是一位曾經參加過加東的營友。
Beginning in 1999, all three living camps were held at the same time – Labour Day long weekend in North America.