The Beginning 故事的開始
Our initiative first started near the end of 1977 by a group of young Chinese Catholics from Toronto and Windsor, with the help of Rev. Bob Seguin. It started off as a summer conference called the Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Community Conference (the “ECCCLC”) with the intention to give young Chinese Catholics, especially students in Canada, an opportunity to get together for spiritual growth. The first ECCCLC was held at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. It was extremely successful and brought tremendous encouragement to young Catholics. It was then decided that ECCCC should be run every year. Since then, participants have come from many areas, including Waterloo, London, Kingston, Guelph, Greater Toronto Area, Ottawa and Montreal, taking turns to share the administrative responsibilities.
In 1983, the name ECCCC was changed from a “Summer Conference” to “Living Camp”, which signifies – ‘daily living nature’ of our event – the importance for perseverance to live out our faith in our daily lives and reflects the livelier nature of the event to profess our faith.
Ever since 1977, ECCCLC has been an annual cross-parishes event created by youth for youth.
加東的故事始於一九七七年底,一群來自多倫多和溫莎的年輕華人天主教徒在鮑勃·塞根神父(Rev. Bob Seguin)的幫助下,開始了一個名為「加拿大東部華人天主教社區會議」(Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Community Conference)的夏季會議。會議的目的是為加拿大的年輕華人天主教徒—特別是學生—提供一個聚會的機會,以促進靈命成長。第一屆會議在安大略省密西沙加市的 Our Lady Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre 舉行。會議非常成功,為參與的年輕天主教徒帶來了巨大的鼓勵。自此加東被認為應該每年舉行一次。 從那時起,來自滑鐵盧、倫敦、京士頓、貴湖、大多倫多地區、渥太華和滿地可等許多地區的參加者輪流協助舉行會議。
一九八三年,加東的名稱由「夏季會議」改為「生活營」(Living Camp),意為帶出此活動的「日常生活性」,強調在日常生活中堅持不懈地實踐信仰的重要性。生活營的名稱也更好地反映加東的活潑性,在富有活力的活動中宣認信仰。
Pre 1990 ECCCLC Objectives 一九九零年前的加東目標
According to the old handbooks, the following set of objectives was used from 1978 (the 2nd Living Camp) until 1990 (the 14th Living Camp):
- To promote spiritual growth through dialectic and spiritual sharing
- To bring both Christians and non-Christians closer to God’s love and truth
- To contribute to an experience of a living Christian Community
- 透過辯證和靈性分享促進靈命成長
- 帶領基督徒和非基督徒更接近天主的愛和真理
- 為一個活生生的基督徒社群的體驗作出貢獻
The Organizing Committee 籌備委員會
1991 was an important year in the course of ECCCLC history. Prior to 1991, ECCCLC was organized by one particular local community, which most of the time turned out to be either Toronto (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish) or Montreal as they have better human resources. At the end of the 1990 ECCCLC, representatives from different communities gathered, trying to decide which parish should be responsible for organizing the 1991 ECCCLC. All local communities, including Toronto and Montreal, found it difficult to handle such a task as they were already occupied with other parish responsibilities.
Fr. Thomas Au, at that time, suggested a new way to organize ECCCLC. He proposed one single planning committee is to be formed by people joining voluntarily regardless of which community they belong to. His suggestion was well received. This system has then been used. Every year, participants in ECCCLC are asked to volunteer themselves to be organizers for the next ECCCLC. Those who take up the role of coordination would form the Organizing Committee. Those who are responsible to execute program would become members of the Working Team.
Post 1990 ECCCLC Objectives 1990年以後加東的目標
From 1991 (the 16th Living Camp) till present, the ECCCLC objectives are to enrich Christian faith through:
- Spiritual sharing
- Community life
- Chinese culture
- 靈性分享
- 團體生活
- 華人文化